Trad Climbing Masterclass

Nico Favresse

You´re dreaming about endless perfect splitter cracks, sketchy runouts, a solid rack of various cams, friends and nuts on your harness and you´re tired of just clipping bolts? Then Nico Favresse is the perfect person to introduce you to the techniques of trad climbing – you will learn how to place gear, how to build a belay, whether you can trust your gear or not, how to crack-climb and everything else you want to know!
Gear to bring: Trad climbing gear (friends, cams, nuts, slings), climbing shoes, harness, quickdraws, helmet, rope, chalk,
food and water

Maximum of 8 participants

Protection fee: 20€

Please note that within the four days of the festival, each person can only book one workshop with a fee and one free workshop.

Sponsored by Lyofood and Petzl

About Nico Favresse
Born and raised in flat country Belgium, I guess I wasn’t meant to be a rock climber. While sailing in the mediterranean sea me and my brothers started scrambling above the water in order to explore caves. Slowly the scrambling side of our explorations became our main focus and naturally, with no climbing shoes or any knowledge, climbing became one of our favorite holiday activities. Later, when I was 15, I discovered proper climbing in the climbing gyms of Belgium, but it was only a matter of time for me to transpose climbing into a more global adventure.

In 2003, a trip to Ratikon, Switzerland introduced me to multi-pitch routes and in 2004 a trip to Yosemite introduced me to Big wall and traditional climbing. These experiences completely changed my approach and focus in climbing and brought me on my quest to free climb Big walls all over the world. 

I am doing what I love and committed to be able to fully live my passions. Whether it’s a one move boulder problem, a big wall in alpine environment or a fine tune on my guitar… It’s rock and I love it all!!

Trad Climbing Masterclass

Nico Favresse
01.06., 10:00-15:00 Uhr
Der Workshop ist bereits ausgebucht!

1. Juni 2024


Der Workshop ist ausgebucht


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